While the Protestant Reformation cleared away the superstition surrounding the sacraments, it nevertheless recognized the place given by Scripture to baptism and the Lord’s Supper, which, alongside the Word, deliver the gospel to sinners.
- Michael Horton
Thursday, 24 August 2017 from 1800-2000(ish)
The Noble Savage (21 and over)
Jesus instituted the Eucharist in the upper room during Passover, as recorded in the Bible in three separate locations: 1 Cor 11:23-26; Mark 14:22-24; Matthew 26:26-30; and Luke 22:14-23. While there can be much to discuss regarding it (credo vs. padeo or transubstantiation vs consubstantiation/sacramental union, etc.), the question that we are digging into this month are the elements themselves.
- Is it sin to take either wine or grape juice as communion?
- Is it sin to take either leaven vs unleavened bread as communion?
- Is using an element not prescribed by Christ mean that He is not present and His promise is void?
- What of those with struggle with allergies or alcoholism?
- What of those where bread or wine is not common?
- Is intiction (dipping the bread into the cup) wrong/a sin because it presupposes transubstantiation?
- Are we wrong in not taking it on the second floor of a room, likely seated on the floor?
- Does Scripture Demand Unleavened Bread? (The Gospel Coalition: John Hammett)
- An Old Debate Revisited (Biblical Horizons: Peter Leithart)
Wine vs Grape juice:
- Wine or Grape Juice: Theological and Pastoral Reflections on the Fruit of the Vine in Communion (OPC: John Mahaffey)
- SHORT Calvin's Doctrine of the Lord's Supper (Ligonier Ministries: Keith Mathison)
- LONG John Calvin on the Sacraments: A Summary (Theology Matters: Viola Larson)
- Grapejuice for Communion? (Canonwired.com: Douglas Wilson)