--John Knox
Thursday, 20 September 2018 from 1800-2000(ish)
Rotolo's (under 21 are welcome & encouraged!)
Our better halves, the fairer/weaker sex, china to our chainsaw...the women in our lives, whether they be mothers, sisters, wives, or daughters, have a special place in our hearts. But does that place extend to the workplace? While there are many variations, tangents, and foundational issues that could/should be explored, honing in on this one aspect of the daily interaction between men and women should be more than enough to fill an evening.
- Should women work outside the home in a Christian marriage? Does this apply to "mixed" marriages (only one believing spouse), or pagan/atheistic ones?
- Does the answer to the former change if that work is political/governmental, in the military, or carry some other stipulation?
- Should economics be a trumping factor to biblical, moral, or personal precepts?
- Does the answer change with different seasons of life (singleness, no children, children, empty nest, etc.)?
- What Should A Wife's Priorities Be? (Grace to You: John McCarther)
- AskDoug: Women Working Outside the Home (CanonWired: Douglas Wilson)
- The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women (John Knox)
- Why Women Shouldn't Work (The Weaker Vessel)
- Proverbs 31
- Titus 2 3-5
- 1 Timothy 5:8